Αποστολέας Θέμα: Modillian Smart Strap  (Αναγνώστηκε 542 φορές)

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Modillian Smart Strap
« στις: Ιούνιος 23, 2014, 21:41:01 μμ »
Teaching An Old Watch New Tricks

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The idea behind the Modillian Smart Strap is that in certain situations when you do not want to be disturbed by extraneous rings and pings from your phone, your phone can be programmed to only alert you to those events that you want. For instance, if you are in a client meeting and don’t want to appear rude by checking your phone for messages, your Smart Strap can alert you to a call from your spouse or your boss or anyone else that you want to be notified of. On getting the ‘buzz’ from your Smart Strap you will of course need to check your phone and answer the call you were waiting for. However, I suppose this is better than checking it for EVERY call you receive.
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